COSTUME CAFÉ is a candid and open forum where Moria shares with each student the basics of costume design, fit, and function.
COSTUME CAFÉ shows the dancer practical ways to create a dramatic costume for a solo or an ensemble piece.
Please bring a pen and notebook and feel encouraged to bring your own costuming conundrums for question-and-answer.
COSTUME CAFÉ can be taught as a full workshop or as a one-hour addendum to another workshop.
The extended version will also cover costuming
history, jewelry, and headdress design.
Photographers: Shellie Gilbertson, KH Photographics, Ambrosia Photography, Andre Elbing, Dominique Cognee, May Lune Photography, Julia Santonocito, Scott Belding, Devansh Jhaveri, 360o Photography, Cherry Li,
Yin Yi Photography