Cambodian & Chinese Apsara Fusion


CAMBODIAN & CHINESE APSARA FUSION is a classical dance style based on ancestral movements dating back to Cambodia’s Angkorean era.


These slow and sensuous moves perfectly match the mystical atmosphere enveloping Cambodian temples.



In Hindu tradition, the Apsaras were female spirits who inhabited trees and clouds, and were thought to make their homes in the oldest, mightiest trees in the forest.


The Sanskrit word “apsarāḥ” is translated as “celestial dancer.”




In CAMBODIAN & CHINESE APSARA FUSION, you will learn the exquisite Apsara gestures and postures seen in Asian stone carvings and shared with you via a long line of dance gurus spanning thousands of years.

Over the past decade, Moria has traveled to Cambodia and China in order to study this specific style of dance from instructors steeped in these ancient dance traditions.



The goal of the workshop is for you to return home confident that you have experienced the Apsara dance via authentic Cambodian and Chinese sources and are then able to continue drilling and fusing these alluring gestures and postures into your belly dance solos, duets, or group pieces.

Moria's Cambodian & Chinese Apsara

photoshoot took place in Beijing, China.


This is an example of Cambodian & Chinese Apsara Fusion performed by Moria for Tribal Umrah in Viareggio, Italy.

"Dance of a Thousand Years"

Cambodian Apsara Gallery

Ancient temples carved with figures of the Apsaras at Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Moria performing in an Angkor Wat temple
House of Hanuman, the revered Monkey God, at Angkor Wat
Moria dancing for Saraswati on the river bank outside the main temple complex, Angkor Wat
Moria's offers "Plumeria obtusa," Cambodia's delicate white flowers given to their dieties, to the river goddess Saraswati
Studying Apsara images carved on the walls of Angkor Wat
Offerings of incense perfume the air of Angkor Wat
Exiting a place of prayer and meditation inside Angkor Wat's temple complex
Discovering a rare relief of the Hindu warrior-goddess Durga
Dance as a living prayer atop a temple in Siem Reap, Cambodia
Cambodia's moss-covered temples where the Apsara once danced
Moria dressed for an Apsara Fusion performance







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